Twitter is finally testing an edit button..

Twitter has announced that it is finally testing its most requested feature: an edit button. But there is a catch. You will only have access to the Twitter Edit Tweet button if you subscribe to Twitter Blue.

Twitter announces editing button test for some users

After teasing the feature in April 2022, Twitter officially announced on September 1, 2022 that it was testing the editing feature in a blog post on the company's website. But this announcement comes with some caveats.

First, the test is launched with a very limited capacity: starting with one country and only a small group of users. Over the next month, the trial will roll out to Twitter Blue subscribers, giving them early access to the feature.

Twitter explained its reasoning in the blog post, saying:

Like any new feature, we're intentionally testing Edit Tweet with a smaller group to help us integrate feedback while identifying and fixing potential issues. This includes how people can abuse the feature.

While the company typically tests features before rolling them out to all users, much like it did when it rolled out the ability to create Twitter circles, the editing test appears to be more controlled than previous tests.

But early access to the Edit Tweet feature may help more users decide if Twitter Blue is worth it.

Twitter launches edit button

How will the Edit Tweet feature work on Twitter?

Image Credit: Twitter

So, after years of speculation and suggestion, how did Twitter decide to implement the feature?

The company has imposed a time limit during which the editing function will be available after a tweet is published. Those who have access to the feature will be able to edit their tweet for 30 minutes after posting it. Every time you edit the feature, the edit is added to the tweet's edit history. While not everyone can edit their tweets, any user will be able to see that a tweet has been edited. These tweets will be marked with an icon, a timestamp, and a label.

If someone clicks on the tag, they can see the full change history. This history lists all previous versions of the tweet, so there is a clear record of what was originally written. Twitter notes that delay and etiquette are critical to implementing the feature, due to concerns about how the feature could be used to mislead people.

For context, the time limit and version history play a big role here. They help protect the integrity of the conversation and create a publicly available record of what was said.

The company also plans to monitor the feature's impact on tester engagement and usage.

Twitter's edit button is finally a reality

The final implementation of the edit button on Twitter will depend on how users interact with the feature. But for the first time, the much-requested option is given a chance.

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